Yield To Maturity - YTM — The rate of return anticipated on a bond if it is held until the maturity date. YTM is considered a long term bond yield expressed as an annual rate. The calculation of YTM takes into account the current market price, par value, coupon interest… … Investment dictionary
yield-to-maturity — ( YTM) The annual percentage yield of a security calculated in a specific manner. The yield to maturity is the single discount rate that, when applied to all future interest and principal payments, produces a net present value equal to the… … Financial and business terms
Yield to maturity — The Yield to maturity (YTM) or redemption yield is the yield promised to the bondholder on the assumption that the bond or other fixed interest security such as gilts will be held to maturity, that all coupon and principal payments will be made… … Wikipedia
yield to maturity — The rate of return an investor receives if a fixed income security is held to maturity. Chicago Board of Trade glossary The percentage rate of return paid on a bond, note, or other fixed income security ( fixed income securities) if the investor… … Financial and business terms
yield to maturity — noun a) The internal rate of return on a bond held to maturity, assuming scheduled payment of principal and interest. b) A calculation of yield on a bond that takes into account the capital gain or loss on a discount bond or capital loss on a… … Wiktionary
Yield to maturity — The percentage rate of return paid on a bond, note or other fixed income security if you buy and hold it to its maturity date. The calculation for YTM is based on the coupon rate, length of time to maturity and market price. It assumes that… … Financial and business terms
YTM — yield to maturity (YTM) The annual percentage yield of a security calculated in a specific manner. The yield to maturity is the single discount rate that, when applied to all future interest and principal payments, produces a net present value… … Financial and business terms
YTM — Yield To Maturity (Business » General) … Abbreviations dictionary
YTM — yield to maturity доходность до срока погашения … Финансово-инвестиционный толковый словарь
YTM — Доходность к погашению (англ. Yield to maturity; общепринятое сокращение YTM) это ставка внутренней доходности денежного потока по облигации при намерении покупателя удерживать эту облигацию до погашения. Расчет данного показателя позволяет… … Википедия
Current yield — The current yield, interest yield, income yield, flat yield or running yield is a financial term used in reference to bonds and other fixed interest securities such as gilts. It is the ratio of the annual interest payment and the bond s current… … Wikipedia